CircAdapt 2412
CircAdapt 2409
CircAdapt 2407
CircAdapt 1.0.0b2311
- Change AV delay VanOsta2023
- Update Valve2022 implementation, documentation, and verification (unittest)
CircAdapt 1.0.0b2310_1
- Change component names of model VanOsta2023, remove the 2022 surfix
- Run Stable now stores more beats if store_beats > 1.
- Update timings names
CircAdapt 1.0.0b2310
Main changes
- model['Solver']['t'] now starts at 0, model['Solver']['t_real'] starts at the real solver time.
- l_se in Patch renamed to l_se0 for consistancy
- pressure flow control removed from General
- add set_double_vector function (needed for TubeTL2023)
- small bugfixes
CircAdapt 1.0.0b2308
Main changes
- This update has major changes in parameter names. Parameters and objects follow snake_case style while class names follow CamelCase according to PEP standards.
- Reference state of VanOsta2023 is changed. Previous reference is found as VanOsta2023_2306. The reference state will change in the future (although during beta phase still available).
Consider creating your own model as described here.
- Patches start to count from zero (following Python and c++).
- Models VanOsta2022 and Walmsley2015 are removed from the package.
- Unittests are extended.
- run(run_stable=True) is now run(stable=True)
CircAdapt 1.0.0b2307
This update has major changes in parameter names. Also the python model structure has been changed. Saved model states might not be compatible.
Part of your code has te be rewritten. Note that CircAdapt is still in beta release. After the release, we aim for full backward compatibility.
CircAdapt 1.0.0b2305
CircAdapt 1.0.0b2304