
Patch is introduced Walmsley et al.[1]. In this implementation, it defines fiber stress \(\sigma_f\) as function of natural fiber strain \(\varepsilon_f\). The Patch is used in a Wall object which uses the one-fiber model to relate fiber stress to tension.

Module summary

Tags: Patch

The Patch describes the relationship between \({\sigma}_f = {\varepsilon}_f\).


Am_ref [\(m^2\)]: float

Reference wall area at \(l_{s} = l_{s,ref}\).

V_wall [\(m^3\)]: float

Wall volume

v_max [\(\mu m/s\)]: float

Maximum shortening velocity

l_se0 [\(\mu m\)]: float

lgth of the series elastic element, i.e. \(l_{s} -l_{si}\) for which stress is zero.

l_s0 [\(\mu m\)]: float

Reference sarcomere lgth for which at \(A_m (l_{s,ref}) = A_{m,ref}\).

dl_s_pas [\(\mu m\)]: float

Nonlinear exponent of Titin stress

Sf_pas [Pa]: float

Linear ECM stress coefficient

fac_Sf_tit [-]: float

Contribution factor of titen stress multiplied with Sf_act

k1 [-]: float

Nonlinear exponent ECM stress component

tr [s]: float

Contraction time constant

td [s]: float

Relaxation time constant

time_act [-]: float

Relative contraction duration

Sf_act [Pa]: float

Linear active stress component

dt [s]: float

Activation delay relative to intrinsic activation

C_rest [-]: float

Rest contractility

l_si0 [\(\mu m\)]: float

Reference lgth for zero-active-stress

LDAD [s]: float

strain dependend activation duration

ADO [s]: float

activation duration offset

LDCC [-]: float

stretch dependend contractility coefficient

Sf_pasMaxT: float

Maximum ecm stress (adaptation sens variable)

Sf_pasActT: float

Active weighted passive stress (adaptation sens variable)

FacSf_actT: float

Active stress (adaptation sens variable)

LsPasActT: float

Weighted sarcomere lgth average (adaptation sens variable)

adapt_gamma: bool

Adaptation constant


Signals are arrays. Each point in the array represents a point in time with step-size controlled by the solver.

l_s [\(\mu m\)]: array

Sarcomere lgth

l_si [\(\mu m\)]: array

State variable: Intrinsic sarcomere lgth

LsiDot [\(\mu m/s\)]: array

State variable: Intrinsic sarcomere lgth time-derivative

C [-]: array

State variable: contraction curve

C_dot [1/s]: array

State variable: contraction time-derivative

Am [m:sup:2]: array

Patch mid-wall area

Am0 [m:sup:2]: array

Patch mid-wall zero-stress area

Ef [-]: array

Natural strain

dA_dT [m / N]: array

Area-tension derivative

Sf [Pa]: array

Total fibre stress at mid-wall

Sf_pasT [Pa]: array

Total passive stress at mid-wall

SfEcm [Pa]: array

Total ECM stress at mid-wall

dSf_dEf [Pa]: array

Total stiffness coefficient

dSf_pas_dEf [Pa]: array

Total passive stiffness coefficient

SfEcmMax: array

Adaptation: Maximum ECM stress

Sf_actMax: array

Adaptation: maximum active stress

Sf_pasAct: array

Adaptation: active-weighted passive stress

LsPasAct: array

Adaptation: active-weigthed sarcomere lgth

Physiological Background

The Patch module

The Patch module is a phenomenological model of the sarcomere. A sarcomere is modelled as a three-element Hill contraction model (Fung[2]), in which the elastic element (with length \(l_{se}\)) and contractile element (with length \(l_{si}\)) in series are in parallel with an elastic element (\(l_s=l_{se}+l_{si}\)), which is calculated as

(1)\[l_s = l_{s,ref} e^{\varepsilon_f}\]

in which \(l_{s,ref}=2\) is the reference length of the sarcomere at reference wall area \(A_{m,ref}\). Fiber strain is derived from mid-wall area \(A_m\), wall curvature \(C_m\), and wall volume \(V_{wall}\) (Lumens et al.[3]). In the Patch module, the fiber strain \(\varepsilon_{\text{f}}\) is the input and is calculated by the Wall module.

(2)\[\varepsilon_{\text{f}} = {\frac{1}{2}}\ln \left( {{\frac{{A_{\text{m}} }}{{A_{\text{m,ref}} }}}} \right)\]

The intrinsic sarcomere length is a delayed image of the sarcomere length and is given by the following differential equation

(3)\[ \frac{dl_{si}}{dt} = v_{max} \cdot (\frac{l_s-l_{si}}{l_{se,iso}} -1 )\]

in which \(v_{max}\) is the unloaded sarcomere shortening rate and \(l_{se,iso}\) the length of series elastic element. The total sarcomere length will decrease at a rate proportional to the length of the series elastic element when the cell is unloaded [deTOMBE]. Total fibre stress is the sum of two stress components, an active stress generated by sarcomere contraction, and a passive stress arising from structures such as the ECM and titin. Both passive and active stress depend upon the length of the sarcomere.

(4)\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\sigma_f = \sigma_{pas} + \sigma_{act}\\\frac{d\sigma_f}{d\varepsilon_f} = \frac{d\sigma_{pas}}{d\varepsilon_f} + \frac{d\sigma_{act}}{d\varepsilon_f}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Active material behavior

The active stress depends also on time through a contractility parameter \(C\). Contractility is a phenomenological quantity representing the density of cross-bridges formed in the sarcomere. There is a resting value of contractility, which may be non-zero. This can represent residual cross-bridge formation during diastole. Contractility increases when the tissue is activated. Activation is smooth and has a rise and decay phase with different time constants. The rate of change of contractility increases with sarcomere length (Kentish et al.[4]). Active stress increases with contractility, contractile element length and series elastic element length. Based on these assumptions, the contractility curve \(C\) is implemented as a state-variable and given by

(5)\[ \frac{dC}{dt} = \frac{1}{\tau_{rise}} C_L(l_{si}) \cdot f_{rise}(t) - \frac{1}{\tau_{decay}} C \cdot f_{decay}(X)\]


(6)\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned} \tau_{rise}=0.55 \cdot T_r \cdot t_{duration}\\ \tau_{decay}=0.33 \cdot T_d \cdot t_{duration}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

This function uses the function \(f_{rise}\) to modulate the rise of the contractility and \(f_{decay}\) to modulate the decay of contractility.

The first is given by:

(7)\[ f_{rise}(x_{rise}(t))=0.02x_{rise}^3 \cdot (8-x_{rise})^2 \cdot e^{-x_{rise}}\]
(8)\[ x_{rise}(t)=\min(8,\max(0,\frac{t-t_{act}}{\tau_{rise}}))\]

Crossbridge formation function \(C_L (l_{si})\)

(9)\[ C_L (l_{si} )=\tanh\left(LDCC \cdot (l_{si}-l_{si,0})^2 \right)\]

Decay function \(g(X)\)

(10)\[ f_{decay}(x_{decay}(t))=0.5+0.5 \cdot \sin\left(\text{sign}(x_{decay}) \min(\pi/2,\left|x_{decay}\right|) \right)\]
(11)\[ x_{decay}(t)=(t-t_{act}-t_{duration})/\tau_{decay}\]

From the contractility curve, the total active stress is calculated using

(12)\[ \sigma_{act}=S_{f,act} \cdot C \cdot 1.51 (\frac{l_{si}}{l_{si,0}} - 1)\cdot l_{se}/l_{se,iso}\]

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Fig. 12 Sensitivity analysis of the upslope of the C-curve. The black line represents a reference curve at \(l_s=2.25 {\mu}m\).

Passive material behavior

The passive stress \(\sigma_{pas}\) in this model is given by two separate components describing the stress of the extracellular matrix, \(\sigma_{ecm}\), and the stress of titin, \(\sigma_{tit}\).

(13)\[ \sigma_{pas} = \sigma_{ecm} + \sigma_{tit}\]

These passive stress-strain equations are given by

(14)\[ \sigma_{ecm} = S_{f,pas} \cdot ((\frac{l_s}{l_{s,0pas}})^{k_1} - 1)\]
(15)\[ \sigma_{tit} = 0.01 \cdot S_{f,act} \cdot ((\frac{l_s}{l_{s,0pas}})^{2 \cdot l_{s,ref} / d l_{s,pas}} - 1)\]

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Fig. 14 Passive stress-strain relation as function of sarcomere length

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Fig. 16 Passive stress-strain relation as function of wall area


Not Included in this Version of the Model:

  • Force-frequency relationship (force of contraction increases with heart rate).

  • Electrophysiology model, only imposed activation times.

  • Biophysics / energetics of calcium transient, cross-bridge formation, etc - currently, this is modelled phenomenologically and availability of ATP is assumed to be infinite.

  • Sympathetic / para-sympathetic stimulation of cardiomyocytes.


circadapt.components.patch.Patch(model[, ...])

The Patch describes the relationship between \({\sigma}_f = {\varepsilon}_f\).