Source code for circadapt.components.cavity

"""Cavity objects."""
from circadapt.components import Component

[docs] class Cavity(Component): """ Basic Cavity object. Signals ---------- A [m :sup:`2`]: array, Cavity Area p [Pa]: array, Pressure in node p_trans [Pa]: array, Transmural pressure q [m :sup:`3`]: arrayg Flow in node V [m :sup:`3`]: array, Volume in Cavity dV_dt [m :sup:`3`]: array, Volume time derivative """ parameters = [ ] signals = [ 'A', 'p', 'p_trans', 'q', 'V', 'dV_dt' ]
[docs] class Bag(Component): """ Bag is designed to simulate the pericardium Parameters ---------- k [-]: float Nonlinear exponent p_ref [Pa]: float Reference pressure for which hold p(V_ref) = p_ref V_ref [m :sup:`3`]: float Reference volume for which hold p(V_ref) = p_ref Signals ------- V [m :sup:`3`]: array Volume enclosed by the Bag p [Pa]: array Pressure inside the Bag """ parameters = [ 'k', 'p_ref', 'V_ref', ] signals = [ 'V', 'p', ]
[docs] class Capacitor(Cavity): """ Bag is designed to simulate the pericardium Parameters ---------- Vo: double Reference volume for which hold p=0 C: double Linear capacitance of cavity Signals ------- V: array Volume enclosed by the Bag p: array Pressure inside the Bag Cavity """ parameters = [ 'V0', 'C', ] signals = [ 'V', ]
[docs] class Tube0D(Component): """ Tube0D is designed to simulate pressure-volume relations of vessels. Parameters ---------- l [m]: double Length of the tube A_wall [m :sup:`2`]: double Cross-sectional area of the wall k [-]: double Stiffness coefficient of the wall p0 [Pa]: double Pressure at A=A0 A0 [m :sup:`2`]: double Cross-sectional cavity area for p=p0 target_wall_stress: double Adaptation target for wall stress target_mean_flow: double Adaptation target for mean flow Signals ------- V [m :sup:`3`]: array Volume in the Cavity p [Pa]: array Pressure in the Node """ parameters = [ 'l', 'A_wall', 'k', 'p0', 'A0', 'target_wall_stress', 'target_mean_flow', ] signals = [ 'V', 'p', ]
[docs] class Chamber(Component): """ Chamber is a thick-walled sphere with a :ref:`Wall` describing the pressure :math:`p=f(A_m, C_m)`. Parameters ---------- buckling: bool Buckling function. If True, wall tension cannot be below zero. Signals ------- V [m :sup:`3`]: array Volume of the Cavity p [Pa]: array Pressure in the Node """ parameters = [ 'buckling', ] signals = [ 'V', 'p', 'V', 'dV_dt', 'A', 'Y', 'q', ]
[docs] def add_object(self, loc): super().add_object(loc) # library automatically creates wall for Chamber wall_loc = loc + '.' + self._model._get_str(loc+'.subcomponents:0') self._model._check_component_in_export_list_and_add_object( self._model._get_str(wall_loc+'.type'), wall_loc, )
[docs] class Chamber2022(Component): """ Chamber2022 object. Parameters ---------- buckling: bool Buckling function. If True, wall tension cannot be below zero. Signals ------- V [m :sup:`3`]: array Volume of the Cavity p [Pa]: array Pressure in the Node """ parameters = [ 'buckling', ] signals = [ 'V', 'p', 'V', 'dV_dt', 'A', 'Y', 'q', ]
[docs] def add_object(self, loc): super().add_object(loc) # library automatically creates wall for Chamber wall_loc = loc + '.' + self._model._get_str(loc+'.subcomponents:0') self._model._check_component_in_export_list_and_add_object( self._model._get_str(wall_loc+'.type'), wall_loc, )
# TODO: remove 2022
[docs] class TriSeg2022(Component): """ TriSeg2022 is designed to represent ventricles including interaction. Parameters ---------- tau: float [-] Constant to limit change in estimation of dV and dY Signals ------- V [m :sup:`3`]: array Volume of truncated septal wall V0 [m :sup:`3`]: array Volume of truncated septal wall before finding mechanical equilibrium dV_dt [m :sup:`3`/s]: array Time-derivative of V, used to find the estimation V0 Y [m]: array Distance of wall-junction to center Y0 [m]: array Distance of wall-junction to center before finding mechanical equilibrium YDot [m/s]: array Time-derivative of Y, used to find the estimation Y0 """ parameters = [ 'tau', 'ratio_septal_LV_Am', ] signals = [ 'V', 'Y', 'V0', 'Y0', 'dV_dt', 'YDot', 'n_loop', 'Fp', 'Fv', ]
[docs] def add_object(self, loc): """Link a c++ object to this object.""" super().add_object(loc) self._model._check_component_in_export_list_and_add_object('Cavity', loc+'.cLv') self._model._check_component_in_export_list_and_add_object('Cavity', loc+'.cRv') self._model._check_component_in_export_list_and_add_object('Wall2022', loc+'.wLv') self._model._check_component_in_export_list_and_add_object('Wall2022', loc+'.wSv') self._model._check_component_in_export_list_and_add_object('Wall2022', loc+'.wRv')
[docs] class TriSeg(Component): """ TriSeg is designed to represent ventricles including interaction. Parameters ---------- tau: float [-] Constant to limit change in estimation of dV and dY Signals ------- V [m :sup:`3`]: array Volume of truncated septal wall V0 [m :sup:`3`]: array Volume of truncated septal wall before finding mechanical equilibrium dV_dt [m :sup:`3`/s]: array Time-derivative of V, used to find the estimation V0 Y [m]: array Distance of wall-junction to center Y0 [m]: array Distance of wall-junction to center before finding mechanical equilibrium YDot [m/s]: array Time-derivative of Y, used to find the estimation Y0 """ parameters = [ 'tau', 'ratio_septal_LV_Am', 'max_number_of_iterations', 'thresh_F', 'thresh_dV', 'thresh_dY', ] signals = [ 'V', 'Y', 'V0', 'Y0', 'dV_dt', 'YDot', 'n_loop', 'Fp', 'Fv', ]
[docs] def add_object(self, loc): """Link a c++ object to this object.""" super().add_object(loc) self._model._check_component_in_export_list_and_add_object('Cavity', loc+'.cLv') self._model._check_component_in_export_list_and_add_object('Cavity', loc+'.cRv') self._model._check_component_in_export_list_and_add_object('Wall', loc+'.wLv') self._model._check_component_in_export_list_and_add_object('Wall', loc+'.wSv') self._model._check_component_in_export_list_and_add_object('Wall', loc+'.wRv')