Source code for circadapt.model.vanosta2023

VanOsta2023 model.


from circadapt.model import Model
from circadapt.adapt import ModelAdapt
from circadapt.plot import triseg2022
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import warnings

colors = {
    'Lv': None, #[213/255, 96/255, 98/255],
    'Sv': None, #[236/255, 195/255, 11/255],
    'Rv': None, #[6/255, 123/255, 194/255],
    'Ra': None, #[27/255, 231/255, 255/255],
    'La': None, #[243/255, 119/255, 72/255],
    'PuArt': None, #'k',
    'SyArt': None, #'k',
    'RaRv': None, #'k',
    'RvPuArt': None, #'k',
    'LaLv': None, #'k',
    'LvSyArt': None, #'k',

# colors = {
#     'Lv': [213/255, 96/255, 98/255],
#     'Sv': [236/255, 195/255, 11/255],
#     'Rv': [6/255, 123/255, 194/255],
#     'Ra': [27/255, 231/255, 255/255],
#     'La': [243/255, 119/255, 72/255],
#     'PuArt': 'k',
#     'SyArt': 'k',
#     'RaRv': 'k',
#     'RvPuArt': 'k',
#     'LaLv': 'k',
#     'LvSyArt': 'k',

#     }

[docs] class VanOsta2023(Model, ModelAdapt): def __init__(self, solver: str = None, path_to_circadapt: str = None, model_state: dict = None, ): # warnings.warn('VanOsta2023 uses old structure. Use VanOsta2024.') if solver is None: solver = 'backward_differential' self._local_save_reference = True ModelAdapt.__init__(self) Model.__init__(self, solver, path_to_circadapt=path_to_circadapt, model_state=model_state, ) def _update_settings(self): # rename model components for easy input/output self._module_rename['Wall2022'] = 'Wall' self._module_rename['Patch2022'] = 'Patch' self._module_rename['Chamber2022'] = 'Chamber' self._module_rename['Valve2022'] = 'Valve' self._module_rename['TriSeg2022'] = 'TriSeg' self._module_rename['PressureFlowControl'] = 'PFC'
[docs] def build(self): # Circulation self.add_smart_component('ArtVen', build='SystemicCirculation') self.add_smart_component('ArtVen', build='PulmonaryCirculation') self.add_smart_component('Heart', patch_type='Patch2022') self.add_smart_component('Timings') self.add_smart_component('PressureFlowControl') # manually set papillary muscles self.set_component("Peri.RaRv.wPapMus", "Peri.TriSeg.wRv") self.set_component("Peri.LaLv.wPapMus", "Peri.TriSeg.wLv")
[docs] def set_reference(self): self['Chamber']['buckling'] = False self['Valve']['soft_closure'] = True self['Valve']['papillary_muscles'] = True self['Solver']['dt'] = 0.001 self['Solver']['dt_export'] = 0.002 self.set('Solver.order', 2) self.set('Model.t_cycle', 0.85) self.set('Model.PFC.fac', 0.5) self.set('Model.PFC.epsilon', 0.1) self.set('Model.PFC.fac_pfc', 1) self.set('Model.PFC.stable_threshold', 0.001) # Set parameters Circulation self['Tube0D']['A0'] = [0.00049828, 0.00049899, 0.00046929, 0.00050574] self['Tube0D']['A_wall'] = [1.13187792e-04, 3.72289316e-05, 7.27489286e-05, 4.31617949e-05] self['Tube0D']['k'] = [1.66666667, 2.33333333, 1.66666667, 2.33333333] self['Tube0D']['l'] = [0.4, 0.4, 0.19, 0.19] self['Tube0D']['p0'] = [12155.25602777, 297.44066943, 1912.6684696 , 580.51425824] self['ArtVen']['p0'] = [6299.86481149, 1000. ] self['ArtVen']['q0'] = [4.5e-05, 4.5e-05] self['ArtVen']['k'] = [1. , 1.88] # Set volume state variables # not needed to reset, only if initial model crashes if True: self.set('Model.SyArt.V', 2e-4) self.set('Model.PuArt.V', 1e-4) self.set('Model.SyVen.V', 4e-4) self.set('Model.PuVen.V', 2e-4) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.V', 56e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.Y', 36e-3) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.cLv.V', 150e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.cRv.V', 110e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.La.V', 25e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.Ra.V', 150e-6) # all wall parameters self['Patch']['l_se0'] = 0.04 self['Patch']['l_s_ref'] = 2.0 self['Patch']['l_s0'] = [1.79, 1.79, 1.8 , 1.8 , 1.8 ] self['Patch']['dl_s_pas'] = 0.6 self['Patch']['k1'] = 10 self['Patch']['dt'] = 0 self['Patch']['C_rest'] = 0 self['Patch']['l_si0'] = 1.51 self['Patch']['LDAD'] = [1.057, 1.057, 0.74 , 0.74 , 0.74 ] self['Patch']['ADO'] = [0.081, 0.081, 0.75 , 0.75 , 0.75 ] self['Patch']['LDCC'] = [4. , 4. , 3., 3., 3.] self['Patch']['v_max'] = 7. self['Patch']['v_max'][:2] = 14. self['Patch']['tr'] = [0.4 , 0.4 , 0.21, 0.21, 0.21] self['Patch']['td'] = [0.4 , 0.4 , 0.24, 0.24, 0.24] # wall specific self['Patch']['Sf_act'] = [100000., 100000., 120000., 120000., 120000.] self['Patch']['Am_ref'] = [0.00400721, 0.00311263, 0.00918281, 0.00518683, 0.01321999] self['Patch']['V_wall'] = [1.59935455e-05, 7.72140495e-06, 1.16441768e-04, 4.51241560e-05, 6.88196851e-05] self['Patch']['Sf_pas'] = [ 9.51064014, 10.3647024 , 424.3537027 , 417.74300178, 439.21574206] # Valves self['Valve']['adaptation_A_open_fac'] = [1. , 1.12, 1. , 1. , 1.12, 1. ] self['Valve']['A_open'] = [0.00050044, 0.00052598, 0.00046962, 0.00050745, 0.0005583 , 0.00049849] self['Valve']['A_leak'] = [2.64705882e-04, 2.64705882e-10, 2.64705882e-10, 2.64705882e-04, 2.64705882e-10, 2.64705882e-10] self['Valve']['l'] = 0.01626978 self['Valve']['rho_b'] = 1050 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles'] = True self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_slope'] = 100 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_min'] = 0.1 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_A_open_fac'] = 0.1 self['Valve']['soft_closure'] = True self['Bag']['k'] = 10 self['Bag']['V_ref'] = [0.00057937] self['Bag']['p_ref'] = 100 self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.Y', 0.035) self['Timings']['law_tau_av'] = 2 self['Timings']['c_tau_av0'] = 0.189 self['Timings']['c_tau_av1'] = -0.029 # Adaptation self['Patch']['adapt_gamma'] = 0.5 self.set('Solver.store_beats', 1) self['PFC']['stable_threshold'] = 1e-3 self['Patch']['SfPasMaxT'] = [3600., 3600., 4200., 4200., 4200.] self['Patch']['FacSfActT'] = [0.28, 0.28, 0.69, 0.69, 0.69] self['Patch']['SfPasActT'] = [2800., 2800., 6600., 6600., 6600.] self['Patch']['LsPasActT'] = [3. , 3. , 2.31, 2.31, 2.31] return
[docs] def get_unittest_targets(self): """Hardcoded results after initializing and running 1 beat.""" return { 'LVEDV': 109.1, 'LVESV': 36.6, }
[docs] def get_unittest_results(self, model): """Real-time results after initializing and running 1 beat.""" LVEDV = np.max(model['Cavity']['V'][:, 'cLv'])*1e6 LVESV = np.min(model['Cavity']['V'][:, 'cLv'])*1e6 return { 'LVEDV': LVEDV, 'LVESV': LVESV, }
[docs] def plot(self, fig=None): # TODO self.plot_extended(fig)
[docs] def plot_extended(self, fig=None): if fig is None: fig = 1 if isinstance(fig, int): fig = plt.figure(fig, clear=True, figsize=(12, 8)) # Settings grid_size = [32, 32] def get_lim(module, signal, locs=slice(None, None, None)): signal = self[module][signal][:, locs] lim = np.array([np.min(signal), np.max(signal)]) lim += np.array([-1, 1]) * 0.1*np.diff(lim) return lim lim_V = get_lim('Cavity', 'V', ['cRv', 'Ra', 'La', 'cLv']) * 1e6 lim_V[0] = 0 lim_p = get_lim('Cavity', 'p', ['cRv', 'Ra', 'La', 'cLv']) / 133 lim_p[0] = np.min([lim_p[0], 0]) lim_Ls = get_lim('Patch', 'l_s') lim_Sf = get_lim('Patch', 'Sf') * 1e-3 lim_q = get_lim('Valve', 'q', ['LaLv', 'RaRv', 'LvSyArt', 'RaPuArt']) * 1e6 all_lim = [lim_V, lim_p, lim_Ls, lim_Sf, lim_q] if (np.any(np.isnan(all_lim)) or np.any(np.isinf(all_lim))): lim_V = [0, 200] lim_p = [0, 150] lim_Ls = [1.5, 2.0] lim_Sf = [0, 100] lim_q = [-1e-3, 1e-3] # Pressure Volume plot axPV = plt.subplot2grid(grid_size, (0, 17), rowspan=15, colspan=15, fig=fig) axPV.plot(self['Cavity']['V'][:, 'cLv']*1e6, self['Cavity']['p'][:, 'cLv']/133, c=colors['Lv'], ) axPV.plot(self['Cavity']['V'][:, 'cRv']*1e6, self['Cavity']['p'][:, 'cRv']/133, c=colors['Rv'], ) axPV.plot(self['Cavity']['V'][:, 'La']*1e6, self['Cavity']['p'][:, 'La']/133, c=colors['La'], ) axPV.plot(self['Cavity']['V'][:, 'Ra']*1e6, self['Cavity']['p'][:, 'Ra']/133, c=colors['Ra'], ) axPV.spines[['top', 'right']].set_visible(False) axPV.set_title('Pressure-Volume loop', weight='bold') axPV.set_xlabel('Volume [mL]') axPV.set_ylabel('Pressure [mmHg]') axPV.spines[['bottom', 'left']].set_position(('outward', 5)) ylabel_x_left = -0.25 ylabel_x_right = 1.25 # Volumes t = self['Solver']['t']*1e3 axVRv = plt.subplot2grid(grid_size, (0, 0), rowspan=8, colspan=6, fig=fig) axVRv.plot(t, self['Cavity']['V'][:, 'cRv']*1e6, c=colors['Rv'], ) axVRv.plot(t, self['Cavity']['V'][:, 'Ra']*1e6, c=colors['Ra'], ) axVRv.set_ylim(lim_V) axVRv.set_ylabel('Volume\n[mL]') axVRv.spines[['top', 'right']].set_visible(False) axVRv.set_title('Right Heart') # axVRv.set_xticks([]) axVRv.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in') axVRv.yaxis.set_label_coords(ylabel_x_left, 0.5) axVLv = plt.subplot2grid(grid_size, (0, 6), rowspan=8, colspan=6, fig=fig) axVLv.plot(t, self['Cavity']['V'][:, 'cLv']*1e6, c=colors['Lv'], ) axVLv.plot(t, self['Cavity']['V'][:, 'La']*1e6, c=colors['La'], ) axVLv.set_ylabel('Volume\n[mL]') axVLv.set_ylim(lim_V) axVLv.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') axVLv.yaxis.set_label_position('right') axVLv.spines['right'].set_position(('outward', 0)) axVLv.spines[['top', 'left']].set_visible(False) axVLv.set_title('Left Heart') # axVLv.set_xticks([]) axVLv.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in') axVLv.yaxis.set_label_coords(ylabel_x_right, 0.5) # Pressures axpRv = plt.subplot2grid(grid_size, (8, 0), rowspan=8, colspan=6, fig=fig) axpRv.plot(t, self['Cavity']['p'][:, 'cRv']/133, c=colors['Rv'], ) axpRv.plot(t, self['Cavity']['p'][:, 'Ra']/133, c=colors['Ra'], ) axpRv.plot(t, self['Cavity']['p'][:, 'PuArt']/133, c=colors['PuArt'], ) axpRv.spines[['top', 'right']].set_visible(False) # axpRv.set_xticks([]) axpRv.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in') axpRv.set_ylim(lim_p) axpRv.set_ylabel('Pressure\n[mmHg]') axpRv.yaxis.set_label_coords(ylabel_x_left, 0.5) axpLv = plt.subplot2grid(grid_size, (8, 6), rowspan=8, colspan=6, fig=fig) axpLv.plot(t, self['Cavity']['p'][:, 'cLv']/133, c=colors['Lv'], ) axpLv.plot(t, self['Cavity']['p'][:, 'La']/133, c=colors['La'], ) axpLv.plot(t, self['Cavity']['p'][:, 'SyArt']/133, c=colors['SyArt'], ) axpLv.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') axpLv.yaxis.set_label_position('right') axpLv.spines['right'].set_position(('outward', 0)) axpLv.spines[['top', 'left']].set_visible(False) # axpLv.set_xticks([]) axpLv.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in') axpLv.set_ylim(lim_p) axpLv.set_ylabel('Pressure\n[mmHg]') axpLv.yaxis.set_label_coords(ylabel_x_right, 0.5) # Valves ax = plt.subplot2grid(grid_size, (16, 0), rowspan=6, colspan=6, fig=fig) ax.plot(t, self['Valve']['q'][:, 'RaRv']*1e6, c=colors['RaRv'], ) ax.plot(t, self['Valve']['q'][:, 'RvPuArt']*1e6, c=colors['RvPuArt'], ) ax.spines[['top', 'right']].set_visible(False) ax.set_ylim(lim_q) # ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_ylabel('Flow\n[mL/s]') ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(ylabel_x_left, 0.5) ax = plt.subplot2grid(grid_size, (16, 6), rowspan=6, colspan=6, fig=fig) ax.plot(t, self['Valve']['q'][:, 'LaLv']*1e6, c=colors['LaLv'], ) ax.plot(t, self['Valve']['q'][:, 'LvSyArt']*1e6, c=colors['LvSyArt'], ) ax.spines[['top', 'left']].set_visible(False) ax.set_ylim(lim_q) ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') ax.yaxis.set_label_position('right') # ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_ylabel('Flow\n[mL/s]') ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(ylabel_x_right, 0.5) # Stress ax = plt.subplot2grid(grid_size, (22, 0), rowspan=4, colspan=6, fig=fig) ax.plot(t, self['Patch']['Sf'][:, 'pRv0']*1e-3, c=colors['Rv'], ) ax.plot(t, self['Patch']['Sf'][:, 'pRa0']*1e-3, c=colors['Ra'], ) ax.spines[['top', 'right']].set_visible(False) # ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_ylim(lim_Sf) ax.set_ylabel('Total\nstress [kPa]') ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(ylabel_x_left, 0.5) ax = plt.subplot2grid(grid_size, (22, 6), rowspan=4, colspan=6, fig=fig) ax.plot(t, self['Patch']['Sf'][:, 'pLv0']*1e-3, c=colors['Lv'], ) ax.plot(t, self['Patch']['Sf'][:, 'pSv0']*1e-3, c=colors['Sv'], ) ax.plot(t, self['Patch']['Sf'][:, 'pLa0']*1e-3, c=colors['La'], ) ax.spines[['top', 'left']].set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') ax.yaxis.set_label_position('right') # ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_ylim(lim_Sf) ax.set_ylabel('Total\nstress [kPa]') ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(ylabel_x_right, 0.5) # Sarcomere Length ax = plt.subplot2grid(grid_size, (26, 0), rowspan=6, colspan=6, fig=fig) ax.plot(t, self['Patch']['l_s'][:, 'pRv0'], c=colors['Rv'], ) ax.plot(t, self['Patch']['l_s'][:, 'pRa0'], c=colors['Ra'], ) ax.spines[['top', 'right']].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 5)) ax.set_ylim(lim_Ls) ax.set_ylabel('Sarcomere\nlength [$\mu$m]') ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(ylabel_x_left, 0.5) ax = plt.subplot2grid(grid_size, (26, 6), rowspan=6, colspan=6, fig=fig) ax.plot(t, self['Patch']['l_s'][:, 'pLv0'], c=colors['Lv'], ) ax.plot(t, self['Patch']['l_s'][:, 'pSv0'], c=colors['Sv'], ) ax.plot(t, self['Patch']['l_s'][:, 'pLa0'], c=colors['La'], ) ax.spines[['top', 'left']].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 5)) ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') ax.yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax.set_ylim(lim_Ls) ax.set_ylabel('Sarcomere\nlength [$\mu$m]') ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(ylabel_x_right, 0.5) # ax.set_xlabel('Time [ms]') # ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(0, -0.3) # Plot TriSeg titles = ['Pre-A', 'Onset QRS', 'Peak LV \n pressure', 'AV close'] idx = [0, np.argmax(np.diff(self['Patch']['C'][:, 'pLv0'])>0), np.argmax(self['Cavity']['p'][:, 'cLv']), len(t) - 1 - np.argmax( np.diff(self['Valve']['q'][:, 'LvSyArt'][::-1])>0) ] for i in range(4): ax = plt.subplot2grid(grid_size, (26, 16+4*i), rowspan=5, colspan=4, fig=fig) triseg2022(self, ax, idx[i], colors=[colors['Lv'], colors['Sv'], colors['Rv']]) ax.spines[['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left']].set_visible(False) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) plt.xlabel(titles[i], fontsize=12) # Plot settings plt.subplots_adjust( top=0.96, bottom=0.05, left=0.075, right=0.98, hspace=5, wspace=0.5) plt.draw() # Stress strain ax_right_stress_strain = plt.subplot2grid(grid_size, (18, 17), rowspan=7, colspan=7, fig=fig) ax_left_stress_strain = plt.subplot2grid(grid_size, (18, 24), rowspan=7, colspan=7, fig=fig) ax_right_stress_strain.plot( self['Patch']['Ef'][:, 1], self['Patch']['Sf'][:, 1]*1e-3, c=colors['Ra'], ) ax_right_stress_strain.plot( self['Patch']['Ef'][:, 4], self['Patch']['Sf'][:, 4]*1e-3, c=colors['Rv'], ) ax_left_stress_strain.plot( self['Patch']['Ef'][:, 0], self['Patch']['Sf'][:, 0]*1e-3, c=colors['La'], ) ax_left_stress_strain.plot( self['Patch']['Ef'][:, 2], self['Patch']['Sf'][:, 2]*1e-3, c=colors['Lv'], ) ax_left_stress_strain.plot( self['Patch']['Ef'][:, 3], self['Patch']['Sf'][:, 3]*1e-3, c=colors['Sv'], ) ylim = [np.min(self['Patch']['Sf'])*1e-3, np.max(self['Patch']['Sf'])*1e-3] ylim_ptp = np.ptp(ylim)*0.025 ylim[0] -= ylim_ptp ylim[1] += ylim_ptp ax_right_stress_strain.set_ylim(ylim) ax_left_stress_strain.set_ylim(ylim) xlim = [np.min(self['Patch']['Ef']), np.max(self['Patch']['Ef'])] xlim_ptp = np.ptp(xlim)*0.025 xlim[0] -= xlim_ptp xlim[1] += xlim_ptp ax_right_stress_strain.set_xlim(xlim) ax_left_stress_strain.set_xlim(xlim) ax_right_stress_strain.spines[['left', 'bottom']].set_position(('outward', 5)) ax_left_stress_strain.spines[['right', 'bottom']].set_position(('outward', 5)) ax_right_stress_strain.spines[['top', 'right']].set_visible(False) ax_right_stress_strain.set_ylabel('[kPa]', rotation=0, va='bottom', ha='right') ax_right_stress_strain.yaxis.set_label_coords(0., 1.05) ax_right_stress_strain.set_xlabel('Strain [-]') ax_left_stress_strain.spines[['top', 'left']].set_visible(False) ax_left_stress_strain.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') ax_left_stress_strain.yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax_left_stress_strain.set_ylabel('Stress\n[kPa]', rotation=0, va='bottom', ha='left') ax_left_stress_strain.yaxis.set_label_coords(1., 1.05) ax_left_stress_strain.set_xlabel('Strain [-]')
[docs] class VanOsta2023_2310(VanOsta2023):
[docs] def set_reference(self): self['Chamber']['buckling'] = False self['Valve']['soft_closure'] = True self['Valve']['papillary_muscles'] = True self['Solver']['dt'] = 0.001 self['Solver']['dt_export'] = 0.002 self.set('Solver.order', 2) self.set('Model.t_cycle', 0.85) self.set('Model.PFC.fac', 0.5) self.set('Model.PFC.epsilon', 0.1) self.set('Model.PFC.fac_pfc', 1) self.set('Model.PFC.stable_threshold', 0.001) # Set parameters Circulation self['Tube0D']['A0'] = [0.00049828, 0.00049899, 0.00046929, 0.00050574] self['Tube0D']['A_wall'] = [1.13187792e-04, 3.72289316e-05, 7.27489286e-05, 4.31617949e-05] self['Tube0D']['k'] = [1.66666667, 2.33333333, 1.66666667, 2.33333333] self['Tube0D']['l'] = [0.4, 0.4, 0.19, 0.19] self['Tube0D']['p0'] = [12155.25602777, 297.44066943, 1912.6684696 , 580.51425824] self['ArtVen']['p0'] = [6299.86481149, 1000. ] self['ArtVen']['q0'] = [4.5e-05, 4.5e-05] self['ArtVen']['k'] = [1. , 1.88] # Set volume state variables # not needed to reset, only if initial model crashes if True: self.set('Model.SyArt.V', 2e-4) self.set('Model.PuArt.V', 1e-4) self.set('Model.SyVen.V', 4e-4) self.set('Model.PuVen.V', 2e-4) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.V', 56e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.Y', 36e-3) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.cLv.V', 150e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.cRv.V', 110e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.La.V', 25e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.Ra.V', 150e-6) # all wall parameters self['Patch']['l_se0'] = 0.04 self['Patch']['l_s_ref'] = 2.0 self['Patch']['l_s0'] = [1.79, 1.79, 1.8 , 1.8 , 1.8 ] self['Patch']['dl_s_pas'] = 0.6 self['Patch']['k1'] = 10 self['Patch']['dt'] = 0 self['Patch']['C_rest'] = 0 self['Patch']['l_si0'] = 1.51 self['Patch']['LDAD'] = [1.057, 1.057, 0.74 , 0.74 , 0.74 ] self['Patch']['ADO'] = [0.081, 0.081, 0.75 , 0.75 , 0.75 ] self['Patch']['LDCC'] = [4. , 4. , 3., 3., 3.] self['Patch']['v_max'] = 7. self['Patch']['v_max'][:2] = 14. self['Patch']['tr'] = [0.4 , 0.4 , 0.21, 0.21, 0.21] self['Patch']['td'] = [0.4 , 0.4 , 0.24, 0.24, 0.24] # wall specific self['Patch']['Sf_act'] = [100000., 100000., 120000., 120000., 120000.] self['Patch']['Am_ref'] = [0.00400721, 0.00311263, 0.00918281, 0.00518683, 0.01321999] self['Patch']['V_wall'] = [1.59935455e-05, 7.72140495e-06, 1.16441768e-04, 4.51241560e-05, 6.88196851e-05] self['Patch']['Sf_pas'] = [ 9.51064014, 10.3647024 , 424.3537027 , 417.74300178, 439.21574206] # Valves self['Valve']['adaptation_A_open_fac'] = [1. , 1.12, 1. , 1. , 1.12, 1. ] self['Valve']['A_open'] = [0.00050044, 0.00052598, 0.00046962, 0.00050745, 0.0005583 , 0.00049849] self['Valve']['A_leak'] = [2.64705882e-04, 2.64705882e-10, 2.64705882e-10, 2.64705882e-04, 2.64705882e-10, 2.64705882e-10] self['Valve']['l'] = 0.01626978 self['Valve']['rho_b'] = 1050 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles'] = True self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_slope'] = 100 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_min'] = 0.1 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_A_open_fac'] = 0.1 self['Valve']['soft_closure'] = True self['Bag']['k'] = 10 self['Bag']['V_ref'] = [0.00057937] self['Bag']['p_ref'] = 100 self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.Y', 0.035) self['Timings']['law_tau_av'] = 2 self['Timings']['c_tau_av0'] = 0.22 self['Timings']['c_tau_av1'] = -0.03 # Adaptation self['Patch']['adapt_gamma'] = 0.5 self.set('Solver.store_beats', 1) self['PFC']['stable_threshold'] = 1e-3 self['Patch']['SfPasMaxT'] = [3600., 3600., 4200., 4200., 4200.] self['Patch']['FacSfActT'] = [0.28, 0.28, 0.69, 0.69, 0.69] self['Patch']['SfPasActT'] = [2800., 2800., 6600., 6600., 6600.] self['Patch']['LsPasActT'] = [3. , 3. , 2.31, 2.31, 2.31] return
[docs] def get_unittest_targets(self): """Hardcoded results after initializing and running 1 beat.""" return { 'LVEDV': 121.75, 'LVESV': 48.0, }
[docs] class VanOsta2023_2306(VanOsta2023):
[docs] def set_reference(self): self['Chamber']['buckling'] = False self['Valve']['soft_closure'] = True self['Solver']['dt'] = 0.0005 self['Solver']['dt_export'] = self['Solver']['dt'] self.set('Model.t_cycle', 0.85) self.set('Model.PFC.fac', 0.5) self.set('Model.PFC.epsilon', 0.1) self.set('Model.PFC.fac_pfc', 1) self.set('Model.PFC.stable_threshold', 0.001) # Set parameters Circulation self['Tube0D']['A0'] = [ 0.00049833, 0.00050034, 0.0004684 , 0.00051849, ] self['Tube0D']['A_wall'] = [ 1.14408188e-04, 4.81082964e-05, 5.19472921e-05, 5.79933632e-05, ] self['Tube0D']['k'] = np.array([ 8., 10., 8., 10.]) / 3 - 1 self['Tube0D']['l'] = [0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2] self['Tube0D']['p0'] = [ 12161.21763497, 112.09788908, 1899.95009955, 572.39790382, ] self['ArtVen']['p0'] = [6395.43973044, 500.] self['ArtVen']['q0'] = [4.5e-05, 4.5e-05] self['ArtVen']['k'] = [1, 2] # Set volume state variables # not needed to reset, only if initial model crashes if True: self.set('Model.SyArt.V', 2e-4) self.set('Model.PuArt.V', 1e-4) self.set('Model.SyVen.V', 4e-4) self.set('Model.PuVen.V', 2e-4) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.V', 44e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.Y', 34.6e-3) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.cLv.V', 150e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.cRv.V', 100e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.La.V', 100e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.Ra.V', 50e-6) # all wall parameters self['Patch']['l_se'] = 0.04 self['Patch']['l_s_ref'] = 2.0 self['Patch']['l_s0'] = 1.8 self['Patch']['dl_s_pas'] = 0.6 self['Patch']['k1'] = 10 self['Patch']['dt'] = 0 self['Patch']['C_rest'] = 0 self['Patch']['l_si0'] = 1.51 self['Patch']['LDAD'] = 1.057 self['Patch']['ADO'] = 0.65 self['Patch']['LDCC'] = 4. self['Patch']['v_max'] = 7. self['Patch']['v_max'][:2] = 14. self['Patch']['tr'] = 0.25 self['Patch']['td'] = 0.25 self['Patch']['tr'][:2] = 0.4 self['Patch']['td'][:2] = 0.4 # wall specific self['Patch']['Am_ref'] = [ 0.00706159, 0.00603949, 0.0093191 , 0.00507053, 0.01313792, ] self['Patch']['V_wall'] = [ 1.86518494e-05, 6.12511827e-06, 9.51121820e-05, 3.74835076e-05, 4.97478018e-05, ] self['Patch']['Sf_pas'] = np.array([ 51591.64007141, 52277.48834349, 22370.46712926, 22051.80366169, 23278.22158555, ]) * 0.0349 self['Patch']['Sf_act'] = [84e3, 84e3, 120e3, 120e3, 120e3] # Valves self['Valve']['adaptation_A_open_fac'] = [ 1., 1.5, 1., 1., 1.5, 1.] self['Valve']['A_open'] = [ 0.00050078, 0.0007021, 0.00046806, 0.00051776, 0.00074755, 0.00049837] self['Valve']['A_leak'] = [ 2.64705882e-04, 2.64705882e-10, 2.64705882e-10, 2.64705882e-04, 2.64705882e-10, 2.64705882e-10] self['Valve']['l'] = 0.01626978 self['Valve']['rho_b'] = 1050 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles'] = False self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_slope'] = 100 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_min'] = 0.1 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_A_open_fac'] = 0.1 self['Valve']['soft_closure'] = True self['Bag']['k'] = 10 self['Bag']['V_ref'] = 0.0005 self['Bag']['p_ref'] = 100 self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.Y', 0.035) self['Timings']['law_tau_av'] = 2 self['Timings']['c_tau_av0'] = 0.2 self['Timings']['c_tau_av1'] = -0.485*60e-3 # Adaptation self['Patch']['adapt_gamma'] = 0.75
[docs] def get_unittest_targets(self): """Hardcoded results after initializing and running 1 beat.""" return { 'LVEDV': 141.6, 'LVESV': 69.4, }
[docs] class VanOsta2023_2308(VanOsta2023):
[docs] def set_reference(self): self['Chamber']['buckling'] = False self['Valve']['soft_closure'] = True self['Valve']['papillary_muscles'] = True self['Solver']['dt'] = 0.001 self['Solver']['dt_export'] = 0.002 self.set('Solver.order', 2) self.set('Model.t_cycle', 0.85) self.set('Model.PFC.fac', 0.5) self.set('Model.PFC.epsilon', 0.1) self.set('Model.PFC.fac_pfc', 1) self.set('Model.PFC.stable_threshold', 0.001) # Set parameters Circulation self['Tube0D']['A0'] = [0.0004982 , 0.00049959, 0.00045184, 0.00051768] self['Tube0D']['A_wall'] = [1.13597208e-04, 3.79106863e-05, 8.91394588e-05, 4.26698697e-05] self['Tube0D']['k'] = [1.66666667, 2.33333333, 1. , 2.33333333] self['Tube0D']['l'] = [0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1] self['Tube0D']['p0'] = [12154.79898845, 213.26733196, 1913.05480512, 600.72294959] self['ArtVen']['p0'] = [6345.26731406, 950. ] self['ArtVen']['q0'] = [4.5e-05, 4.5e-05] self['ArtVen']['k'] = [1. , 1.72] # Set volume state variables # not needed to reset, only if initial model crashes if True: self.set('Model.SyArt.V', 2e-4) self.set('Model.PuArt.V', 1e-4) self.set('Model.SyVen.V', 4e-4) self.set('Model.PuVen.V', 2e-4) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.V', 56e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.Y', 36e-3) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.cLv.V', 150e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.cRv.V', 110e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.La.V', 25e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.Ra.V', 150e-6) # all wall parameters self['Patch']['l_se'] = 0.04 self['Patch']['l_s_ref'] = 2.0 self['Patch']['l_s0'] = 1.8 self['Patch']['dl_s_pas'] = 0.6 self['Patch']['k1'] = 10 self['Patch']['dt'] = 0 self['Patch']['C_rest'] = 0 self['Patch']['l_si0'] = 1.51 self['Patch']['LDAD'] = [1.057, 1.057, 0.64 , 0.64 , 0.64 ] self['Patch']['ADO'] = [0.65, 0.65, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75] self['Patch']['LDCC'] = [4. , 4. , 3.2, 3.2, 3.2] self['Patch']['v_max'] = 7. self['Patch']['v_max'][:2] = 14. self['Patch']['tr'] = [0.4 , 0.4 , 0.24, 0.24, 0.24] self['Patch']['td'] = [0.4 , 0.4 , 0.23, 0.23, 0.23] # wall specific self['Patch']['Sf_act'] = [80e3, 80e3, 120e3, 120e3, 120e3] self['Patch']['Am_ref'] = [0.00458522, 0.00381765, 0.00806997, 0.00454307, 0.01176514] self['Patch']['V_wall'] = [2.75050615e-05, 1.25959326e-05, 8.80910385e-05, 3.46281364e-05, 5.16086110e-05] self['Patch']['Sf_pas'] = [ 16.51117993, 17.0639141 , 580.39235927, 569.67392472, 606.50514861] # Valves self['Valve']['adaptation_A_open_fac'] = [1. , 1.11, 1. , 1. , 1.11, 1. ] self['Valve']['A_open'] = [0.00050042, 0.00050203, 0.00045228, 0.00051764, 0.00055321, 0.00049838] self['Valve']['A_leak'] = [2.64705882e-04, 2.64705882e-10, 2.64705882e-10, 2.64705882e-04, 2.64705882e-10, 2.64705882e-10] self['Valve']['l'] = 0.01626978 self['Valve']['rho_b'] = 1050 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles'] = True self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_slope'] = 100 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_min'] = 0.1 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_A_open_fac'] = 0.1 self['Valve']['soft_closure'] = True self['Bag']['k'] = 10 self['Bag']['V_ref'] = [0.00051968] self['Bag']['p_ref'] = 100 self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.Y', 0.035) self['Timings']['law_tau_av'] = 2 self['Timings']['c_tau_av0'] = 0.172 self['Timings']['c_tau_av1'] = -0.485*60e-3 # Adaptation self['Patch']['adapt_gamma'] = 0.5 self.set('Solver.store_beats', 1) self['PressureFlowControl']['stable_threshold'] = 1e-3 self['Patch']['SfPasMaxT'] = [6400., 6400., 6600., 6600., 6600.] self['Patch']['FacSfActT'] = [0.44, 0.44, 0.61, 0.61, 0.61] self['Patch']['SfPasActT'] = [4800., 4800., 6600., 6600., 6600.] self['Patch']['LsPasActT'] = [3. , 3. , 2.23, 2.23, 2.23] return
[docs] def get_unittest_targets(self): """Hardcoded results after initializing and running 1 beat.""" return { 'LVEDV': 119.7, 'LVESV': 47.2, }
[docs] class Walmsley2015(VanOsta2023):
[docs] def set_reference(self): # change model parameters here self['Chamber']['buckling'] = False self['Valve']['soft_closure'] = True self['Valve']['papillary_muscles'] = False self['Solver']['dt'] = 0.001 self['Solver']['dt_export'] = 0.002 self.set('Solver.order', 2) self.set('Model.t_cycle', 0.85) self.set('Model.PFC.fac', 0.5) self.set('Model.PFC.epsilon', 0.1) self.set('Model.PFC.fac_pfc', 1) self.set('Model.PFC.stable_threshold', 0.001) # Set parameters Circulation self['Tube0D']['A0'] = [4.9720e-04, 4.9830e-04, 4.6850e-04, 5.0910e-04] self['Tube0D']['A_wall'] = [1.1370e-04, 6.410e-05, 9.670e-05, 5.950e-05] self['Tube0D']['k'] = [1.66666667, 2.33333333, 1.66666667, 2.33333333] # self['Tube0D']['k'] = [8, 10, 8, 10] self['Tube0D']['l'] = [0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2] self['Tube0D']['p0'] = [12164, 228, 2630 , 678] self['ArtVen']['p0'] = [6396, 1500. ] self['ArtVen']['q0'] = [4.5e-05, 4.5e-05] self['ArtVen']['k'] = [1. , 2] # Set volume state variables # not needed to reset, only if initial model crashes if True: self.set('Model.SyArt.V', 2e-4) self.set('Model.PuArt.V', 1e-4) self.set('Model.SyVen.V', 4e-4) self.set('Model.PuVen.V', 2e-4) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.V', 56e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.Y', 36e-3) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.cLv.V', 150e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.cRv.V', 110e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.La.V', 25e-6) self.set('Model.Peri.Ra.V', 150e-6) # all wall parameters self['Patch']['l_se0'] = 0.04 self['Patch']['l_s_ref'] = 2.0 self['Patch']['l_s0'] = [1.8, 1.8, 1.8 , 1.8 , 1.8 ] self['Patch']['dl_s_pas'] = 0.6 self['Patch']['k1'] = 10 self['Patch']['dt'] = 0 self['Patch']['C_rest'] = 0 self['Patch']['l_si0'] = 1.51 self['Patch']['LDAD'] = [1.057, 1.057, 0.74 , 0.74 , 0.74 ] self['Patch']['ADO'] = [0.081, 0.081, 0.75 , 0.75 , 0.75 ] self['Patch']['LDCC'] = [4. , 4. , 3., 3., 3.] self['Patch']['v_max'] = 7. self['Patch']['v_max'][:2] = 14. self['Patch']['tr'] = [0.4 , 0.4 , 0.25, 0.25, 0.25] self['Patch']['td'] = [0.4 , 0.4 , 0.25, 0.25, 0.25] # wall specific self['Patch']['Sf_act'] = [60000., 60000., 100000., 100000., 100000.] self['Patch']['Am_ref'] = [0.0071, 0.0058, 0.0099, 0.0052, 0.0135] self['Patch']['V_wall'] = [1.3377e-05, 5.4588e-06, 1.1382e-04, 3.8320e-05, 8.0093e-05] self['Patch']['Sf_pas'] = [ 2.8942e3, 3.6579e3 , 794.1495 , 790.6246, 801.1993] # Valves self['Valve']['adaptation_A_open_fac'] = [1. , 1.12, 1. , 1. , 1.12, 1. ] self['Valve']['A_open'] = [0.00049811, 0.00070281, 0.00046854, 0.00050903, 0.00074578 , 0.00049719] self['Valve']['A_leak'] = [2.6471e-04, 2.6471e-10, 2.6471e-10, 2.6471e-04, 2.6471e-10, 2.6471e-10] self['Valve']['l'] = 0.0163 self['Valve']['rho_b'] = 1050 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles'] = False self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_slope'] = 100 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_min'] = 0.1 self['Valve']['papillary_muscles_A_open_fac'] = 0.1 self['Valve']['soft_closure'] = True self['Bag']['k'] = 10 self['Bag']['V_ref'] = [0.00072379] self['Bag']['p_ref'] = 100 self.set('Model.Peri.TriSeg.Y', 0.035) # self['Timings']['law_tauAv'] = 1 # self['Timings']['c_tauAv0'] = 0.22 # self['Timings']['c_tauAv1'] = -0.03 # Adaptation # self['Patch2022']['adapt_gamma'] = 0.5 self.set('Solver.store_beats', 1) self['PFC']['stable_threshold'] = 1e-3 # self['Patch']['SfPasMaxT'] = [3600., 3600., 4200., 4200., 4200.] # self['Patch']['FacSfActT'] = [0.28, 0.28, 0.69, 0.69, 0.69] # self['Patch']['SfPasActT'] = [2800., 2800., 6600., 6600., 6600.] # self['Patch']['LsPasActT'] = [3. , 3. , 2.31, 2.31, 2.31]