
Improve autoapi module


Patch objects.

Module Contents



Patch2022 is based on Patch in Walmsley 2015.


class circadapt.components.patch.Patch2022(model, objects=None, wall_locs=None)

Bases: circadapt.components.Component

Patch2022 is based on Patch in Walmsley 2015.


AmRef: float

Reference wall area at \(l_{s} = l_{s,ref}\).

VWall: float

Wall volume

vMax: float

Maximum shortening velocity

l_se: float

Length of the series elastic element, i.e. \(l_{s} -l_{si}\) for which stress is zero.

LsRef: float

Reference sarcomere length for which at \(A_m (l_{s,ref}) = A_{m,ref}\).

Ls0Pas: float

Zero passive stress length

dLsPas: float
SfPas: float

Linear ECM stress coefficient

k1: float

Nonlinear exponent ECM stress component

TR: float

Contraction time constant

TD: float

Relaxation time constant

TimeAct: float

Relative contraction duration

SfAct: float

Linear active stress component

dT: float

Activation delay relative to intrinsic activation

CRest: float

Rest contractility

Lsi0Act: float

Reference length for zero-active-stress

LDAD: float

length dependend activation duration

ADO: float

activation duration offset

LDCC: float

length dependend contractility coefficient

SfPasMaxT: float

Maximum ecm stress (adaptation sens variable)

SfPasActT: float

Active weighted passive stress (adaptation sens variable)

FacSfActT: float

Active stress (adaptation sens variable)

LsPasActT: float

Weighted sarcomere length average (adaptation sens variable)

adapt_gamma: bool

Adaptation constant


Signals are arrays. Each point in the array represents a point in time with step-size controlled by the solver.

Ls: array

Sarcomere length

Lsi: array

State variable: Intrinsic sarcomere length

LsiDot: array

State variable: Intrinsic sarcomere length time-derivative

C: array

State variable: contraction curve

CDot: array

State variable: contraction time-derivative

Am: array

Patch mid-wall area

Am0: array

Patch mid-wall zero-stress area

Ef: array

Natural strain

T: array

Mid-wall tension

DADT: array

Area-tension derivative

Sf: array

Total fibre stress at mid-wall

SfPasT: array

Total passive stress at mid-wall

SfEcm: array

Total ECM stress at mid-wall

DSfDEf: array

Total stiffness coefficient

DSfPasDEf: array

Total passive stiffness coefficient

SfEcmMax: array

Adaptation: Maximum ECM stress

SfActMax: array

Adaptation: maximum active stress

SfPasAct: array

Adaptation: active-weighted passive stress

LsPasAct: array

Adaptation: active-weigthed sarcomere length

parameters = ['AmRef', 'VWall', 'vMax', 'l_se', 'LsRef', 'Ls0Pas', 'dLsPas', 'SfPas', 'TR', 'TD', 'TimeAct',...
signals = ['Ls', 'Lsi', 'LsiDot', 'C', 'CDot', 'Am', 'Am0', 'Ef', 'T', 'DADT', 'Sf', 'SfPasT', 'SfEcm',...

(re)build patch locations based on wall locations.

There is no compatibility with different types of patches used in the model. If you use different type of patches, please use the direct way of interacting with the c++ object, i.e. set() and get().


Get all patches of the walls included in this pointer object.
