Improve autoapi module
Package Contents
Model class to be inherited to give model adaptation protocol. |
- class circadapt.adapt.ModelAdapt
Model class to be inherited to give model adaptation protocol.
- get_adapt_options()
Get default adapt options.
- adapt(options: dict = {}, output: bool = False, verbose: bool = False) None
Run adaptation protocol.
The adaptation protocol runs n_cycles cycles. Each cycle has two phases, namely rest adaptation and exercise adaptation. First, in exercise, the Patches and vessel wall volumes are adapted to load. In rest, vessels are adapted to flow.
- optionsdictionary, optional
Options for the protocol. To set options, use the function get_adapt_options(), which is used by default. The default is {}.
- outputbool, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is False.
- senses_resultsTYPE
Only when output=True.
- senses_normTYPE
Only when output=True.
- actor_resultsTYPE
Only when output=True.
- actor_vwallTYPE
Only when output=True.
- adapt_exercise(options)
Trigger all excercise adaptation functions.
- adapt_rest(options)
Trigger all rest adaptation functions.
- calculate_and_set_matrix(verbose=False)
- get_matrix(verbose=False)
- circadapt.adapt.get_reference_senses(model)
- circadapt.adapt.get_parameters(model)
- circadapt.adapt.get_sens(model)
- circadapt.adapt.rel_std_amref = '0.02'
- circadapt.adapt.rel_std_vwall = '0.05'
- circadapt.adapt.rel_std_sfpas = '0.05'
- circadapt.adapt.run_simulations(model, n_sims=1000, verbose=False)
- circadapt.adapt.calculate_derivative(model, parameters, senses, include_for_average=None, verbose=False)