""" Unit test for Valve. This script includes unit tests for the CircAdapt unit test framework. Additionally, this page uses the same functions to render a visualisation of the unittest for the documentation. """ import circadapt import circadapt.model import circadapt.model.benchmark from circadapt.model.benchmark import Valve import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import unittest import scipy.optimize # %% Unittest class TestValve(unittest.TestCase): """ Test Patch2022 """ def test(self): """ Test elements: Build Pre-Afterload module Build Patch2022 Set parameters of Patch2022 Run 1 beat """ # time steps included in test dt_to_test = [1e-5] # solvers included in tests known to be stable at included timesteps solvers_to_test = [ "adams_bashforth_o2", "adams_bashforth_o3", "adams_moulton_o3", "adams_moulton_o4", "adams_moulton_o5", "backward_differential_o2", "backward_differential_o3", "forward_euler", "backward_euler", "trapezoidal_rule", "runge_kutta4", ] # which signal to compare signal_to_test = 'q' # run tests for solver in solvers_to_test: for dt in dt_to_test: self.assertGreater(1e-4, calculate_errors(dt, solver, signal_to_test)) # %% analytical solution def analytical_solution(t_true, model): """ Analytical solution of Valve. Parameters ---------- t_true : array timesteps to caluclate solution. model : circadapt.model.benchmark.Valve Model to get parameters from. Returns ------- array analytical solution of flow. """ model_options = model.model_options LenValve = model.get('Model.V.l') A_open = model.get('Model.V.A_open') A_leak = model.get('Model.V.A_leak') A_prox = 2*A_open A_dist = 2*A_open rho_b = 1050 # A from implementation a_open = 1 / (1.5 * (LenValve / A_open + 0.5/np.sqrt(A_prox) + 0.5/np.sqrt(A_dist))) a_leak = 1 / (1.5 * (LenValve / A_leak + 0.5/np.sqrt(A_prox) + 0.5/np.sqrt(A_dist))) b_open = 0.5 * (A_open**-2 - (A_prox)**-2) b_leak = 0.5 * (A_leak**-2 - (A_prox)**-2) c_open = 1e3/rho_b c_leak = -1e3/rho_b def flow(t, q0, a, b, c): if q0 < - np.sqrt(np.abs(c_leak/b_leak)): C = (q0)**2 * b / c - 1 aux = c/b*(1+C*np.exp(2*a*np.sqrt(b*np.abs(c))*t/(rho_b*2))) q = np.sign(aux)*np.sqrt(np.abs(aux)) return q if q0 > np.sqrt(np.abs(c/b)): C = (q0)**2 * b / c - 1 aux = c/b*(1+C*np.exp(-2*a*np.sqrt(b*np.abs(c))*t)) q = np.sign(aux)*np.sqrt(np.abs(aux)) return q if c < 0 and q0 > 0: C = (np.sign(c) * np.arctan(q0 / (np.sqrt(np.abs(c)/b))) / np.sqrt(b*np.abs(c))) q = - np.sqrt(np.abs(c)/b) * np.tan( np.sqrt(b*np.abs(c)) * (a*t+C) ) # as soon as q<0, equation changes # q=0 when a*t+C=0 # t=-C/a t0 = -C/a q[t > t0] = flow(t[t > t0] - t0, 0, a, b, c) return q C = (np.sign(c) * np.arctanh(q0 / (np.sqrt(np.abs(c)/b))) / np.sqrt(b*np.abs(c))) return np.sign(c)*np.sqrt(np.abs(c)/b) * np.tanh( np.sqrt(b*np.abs(c)) * (a*t+C) ) # get parameters from model_options t_on = model_options.get('t_on') t_off = model_options.get('t_off') q0 = model_options.get('q0') # phase 0: Decay q_true = flow(t_true, q0, a_open, b_open, c_leak) # phase 1: negative flow with A_eff = A_leak t_root = scipy.optimize.root( lambda x: flow(x, q0, a_open, b_open, c_leak), 0).x[0] q_true[t_true >= t_root] = flow( t_true[t_true >= t_root]-t_root, 0, a_leak, b_leak, c_leak) # phase 2: increasing flow with A_eff = A_open q_true[t_true >= t_on] = flow( t_true[t_true >= t_on] - t_on, q_true[np.argmax(t_true >= t_on)], a_open, b_open, c_open) # phase 3 == phase 0: decreasing flow with A_eff = A_open q_true[t_true >= t_off] = flow( t_true[t_true >= t_off] - t_off, q_true[np.argmax(t_true >= t_off)], a_open, b_open, c_leak) # phase 4 == phase 1: negative flow with A_eff = A_leak t_root = scipy.optimize.root(lambda x: flow( x, q0, a_open, b_open, c_leak), 0.75).x[0] t_root = (t_off + np.arctan(q_true[np.argmax(t_true >= t_off)] / (np.sqrt(np.abs(c_leak)/b_open))) / np.sqrt(b_open*np.abs(c_leak)) / a_open) q_true[t_true >= t_root] = flow( t_true[t_true >= t_root] - t_root, 0, a_leak, b_leak, c_leak, ) return {'t': t_true, 'q': q_true*1e3} # %% simulate def create_model(dt, solver): # get solver name and order from string solver_name = solver[:] order = None if solver_name[-1].isnumeric() and solver_name[-3:-1] == '_o': order = int(solver_name[-1]) solver_name = solver_name[:-3] # create model and set solver properties model = Valve(solver_name) if order is not None: model.set('Solver.order', order) model.set('Solver.dt', dt) model.set('Solver.dt_export', dt) return model def get_model_signals(model): signals = {'t': model['Solver']['t']} signals['q'] = model['Valve']['q'][:, 0] * 1e3 return signals def calculate_errors(dt, solver, signal): try: model = create_model(dt, solver) model.run(1) t_true = model['Solver']['t'] true_signals = analytical_solution(t_true, model) model_signals = get_model_signals(model) return np.sqrt(np.mean( ((true_signals[signal] - model_signals[signal]) / np.max(np.abs(true_signals[signal])) )**2)) except circadapt.error.ModelCrashed: return np.nan def main(): # plot settings plot_dt = [1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1] plot_solvers = [ "adams_bashforth_o2", "adams_moulton_o3", "backward_differential_o2", "forward_euler", "backward_euler", "trapezoidal_rule", "runge_kutta4", ] # get options model = create_model(5e-4, 'forward_euler') signal = 'q' # get all errors error = np.ndarray((len(plot_solvers), len(plot_dt))) for i_solver, solver in enumerate(plot_solvers): for i_dt, dt in enumerate(plot_dt): print(f'\rsimulate data solver {i_solver} with Delta t = {dt} ', end='\r') error[i_solver, i_dt] = calculate_errors(dt, solver, signal) print('Simulated all data ') print(error) # %% make plot t_true = np.linspace(0, model['General']['t_cycle'], 10000) true_signals = analytical_solution(t_true, model) model = create_model(1e-4, plot_solvers[3]) model.run(1) model_signals = get_model_signals(model) # Create a new figure plt.figure(1, clear=True, figsize=(4, 8)) # Plot signal ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(true_signals['t'], true_signals['q'], label='True Signals', ls='--') plt.plot(model_signals['t'], model_signals['q'], label='Model Signals', ls='-', lw=1) plt.title('Flow', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('$q [L/s]$', fontsize=12) plt.xlabel('$t [ms]$', fontsize=12) # Plot L2 ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.plot(plot_dt, error.T) plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') plt.axhline(1e-2, c='k', ls='--') plt.axvline(1e-3, c='k', ls='--') # Move the legend outside the plot to the right # plt.legend(plot_solvers, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left') ax2.legend(plot_solvers, loc='lower left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.35, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5)) plt.title('Mean L2 Error', fontsize=14) plt.xlabel('${\\Delta}t [s]$', fontsize=12) # Super title for the entire figure plt.suptitle('Verification of Valve', fontsize=18, weight='bold') # Remove right and top spines of the first subplot ax1.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax1.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax2.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax2.spines['top'].set_visible(False) # Adjust layout # plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.92, bottom=0.079, left=0.2, right=0.8, hspace=0.285, wspace=0.2) # Show the plot plt.show() # %% main if __name__ == "__main__": main()