

Timings for whole heart simulations.

List of relevant tutorials


Timings for whole heart simulations.

This module sets timings for whole heart simulations. It is designed for hearts with 2 artia (Chambers) and 2 ventricles (TriSeg) which results in five walls: Left and Rigth atrial wall and Left, septal, and right ventricular wall.


time_fac: float

Relative contraction duration

tau_av: float

AV delay

dtau_av: float

Extra AV delay

law_tau_av: int

Tells which law is used to set tau_av at the start of each beat. If law_tau_av == 0, no law is used and tau_av can be set manually.

law_Ra2La: int

Tells which atrial delay law is used. If law_Ra2La == 0, no law is used.

law_ta: int

Tells which atrial activation duration law is used. If law_ta == 0, no law is used.

law_tv: int

Tells which ventricular activation duration law is used. If law_Ra2La == 0, no law is used.

c_tau_av0: float

Constant used to calculate tau_av depending on the used law.


Constant used to calculate tau_av depending on the used law.

How to build


Explain how to build from scratch and how to link walls